best Ways to Increase Traffic to a Website


Before getting into action in acquiring customers to your website, you need to know what possible things you can do to increase traffic to a website. There are a lot of strategies to make excellent traffic to your website. However, you have to know the basics of it and improve it from there



Perform Keyword Research

Always include relevant keywords in your content. Keywords should be used naturally, not stuffed into the content so much that they detract from the main idea or distract the reader. It’s important to use keywords throughout the content, like the meta description, the page title, the URL, headers and a few times throughout the piece.


To conduct keyword research, you can use tools like Moz, Ahrefs and SEMrush. These sites show what keywords competitors are using, how often people search for keywords, how expensive the keyword is for pay-per-click ads, related keywords and much more valuable information to guide keyword strategy. Hiring an SEO agency is always an option, as well, as they can offer valuable insights and perform audits to identify issues that may be keeping your site from being shown in search engines.



Topic Expertise

Ranking higher in Google will increase the organic traffic to your site. At HubSpot, we do this by using the pillar/ topic cluster model. Google favors sites that are known to be topic experts on the subject matter they're writing about.


Write guest posts

Guest blogging is a tactic where you write for other blogs. In return, the editor/site owner will usually allow you to link back to your site.

The benefits include:

More referral traffic

More backlinks (which correlate with rankings);

Increased brand awareness


Inbound Links

The primary goal of inbound links is to let other websites or contents lead people to your site.


Promote content in relevant online communities

Relevant online communities are places where your target audience hangs out on the Web.

You can find these communities everywhere.


Send Email Newsletters

Promoting content through email newsletters is an effective way to increase website traffic. Here are a few email marketing best practices:

Include enticing information from the content in the subject line and in the body of the email.

Insert a link or button that subscribers can click to read more of the content.

Make sure emails are mobile-friendly. Links should be easy to see, since 46% of all email opens are done on mobile devices.

Employ personalization tactics by including the name of the subscriber.

Make the email visually appealing with the use of well-designed templates.

Conduct A/B testing to see which versions of emails receive more opens and clicks.



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